About “CrossLens”

The CROSS of Christ is the LENS that puts all of life in healthy focus. It is at once the divine “pill” for human ill, the clearest “window” to the nature, character, and will of God, AND the only trustworthy “blueprint” for living meaningfully and honorably as Christ’s ambassadors to the world. The message of the cross is all about what Jesus taught and brought to the world through His other-centered program of living, through His ethical teaching, through His compassionate healings, and ultimately, through His sacrificial death for our redemption.

CrossLens Ministries exists to spread this gospel, indeed this “best news,” to every person on the planet through seminars and seminaries, blogs and vlogs, podcasts and telecasts, acting and reacting, and most recently through “The Chosen Initiative” (see below). All of these are designed to inspire, equip, and engage believers in fulfilling the Great Commission.

About Rob Starner

An ordained minister and Professor of Greek and New Testament, Dr. Rob Starner has been empowering Christ-followers to fulfill the Great Commission for over four decades. He has taught hundreds of university classes, authored two books, written numerous articles, blogs, and vlogs, and had leading roles as Jesus, the apostle Paul, and Joseph of Arimathea in theatrical productions. It was his experience of The Chosen, the first ever multi-season TV show based on the Gospels, that has focused his present ministry on one primary mission, namely, “The Chosen Initiative.”


The Chosen Initiative” (TCI) is about connecting The Church with The Chosen. The Church is the ideal venue for experiencing The Chosen because (1) it offers a distraction-free environment; (2) it has qualified Bible teachers to help people process what they experience; and (3) it has a community of believers who will embrace new converts and support them in living out their faith.

The Chosen is NOT the Bible, and we must never lose sight of that distinction. It makes no claim to the divinely inspired authority that is found ONLY in the Bible itself.

The Chosen is a TV series based on the (capital “G”) Gospels, a re-telling of the (lower-case “g”) gospel, an illustrated sermon, a visual Bible commentary, a film presentation of the MESSAGE (Gk, logos) about Christ through the eyes of his first followers.

All content of the The Chosen MUST be evaluated by its faithfulness to (or departure from) the truth and intention of the Bible–JUST like every sermon, Bible commentary, hymn, Christian music video, popular theological emphasis.

In short, every presentation of the good news about Jesus–in whatever media format it is found–MUST be evaluated according to its agreement with (or departure from) the BIBLE.

Jesus’ Parable of the Sower offers several insights that are applicable to the Church’s role in sowing the seed (i.e., “message”) of The Chosen. The Chosen is a “seed” (i.e., a “message” about Christ). There is power in that seed to bring forth much fruit, but there are also obstacles.

Birds who come to devour. These are those who condemn TC outright and persuade their audience to avoid TC altogether. Rocks. This represents people who in their joy about TC take from it only what appeals to them, and fail to dive deeper into the Scriptures themselves. Thorns. These are the matters of theology or Christian practice reflected in TC that conflict with what some have been led to believe about Christian faith and practice.

Fertile soil. These are the people who find deep resonance between what is portrayed in TC and what is taught in the Scriptures. They enjoy the show because it faithfully displays the nature, character, will, plan and purposes of God and His unique Son Jesus that is displayed in the Spirit-inspired Scriptures themselves, it presents a relatable Jesus who is FULLY HUMAN every whit as much as fully divine, it presents relatable examples of Christ-followers who face trials and struggles in growing in their faith relationship with Jesus, and it creates a thirst for READING and STUDYING the Bible.

TAKEAWAY: The Church has a vital role to play in “sowing” TC by preparing the soil, fertilizing the soil, planting the seed, watering the soil, and protecting the seed from the birds so that it will yield an exponential return of fruit THAT REMAINS!

DR. STARNER’S ROLE: Dr. Starner’s extensive knowledge of the history, culture, language, and customs of the biblical world, his 40+ years of disciplined exegesis of the Bible, and his thorough understanding of narrative techniques make him a trustworthy guide for helping church leaders and individual Christians understand The Chosen, realize its full potential, and make effective and efficient use of it for evangelism, church growth, and discipleship. The apostle Paul urged Timothy, his “son in the faith” and pastoral protégé: “Be a good worker, one who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly explains [italics mine] the word of truth” (2 Tim. 2:15b, NLT). The verbal construct translated in italics occurs only here in the entire New Testament and has been translated variously as “teaching accurately” (NET), “correctly handl[ing]” (NIV); “correctly explain[ing]” (NLT), “rightly handling” (ESV), “rightly dividing” (KJV). The verb essentially means “cutting a smooth path” for something, and while in this context that certainly includes accurately interpreting, explaining, teaching, etc., Paul’s choice of it over words that mean more narrowly and specifically “interpreting,” “explaining,” etc. suggests he has more in mind. False teaching is not the only roadblock to the gospel message; failure to practice the true message one preaches ranks a pretty close second. Both of these block the effectiveness of the gospel. Paul is essentially urging Timothy (and, through the Holy Spirit, US) to “cut a smooth path for the gospel!” In this same way, Dr. Starner’s mission in “The Chosen Initiative” is to cut a smooth path for The Chosen so that The Chosen in turn can cut a smooth path for the gospel to reach every person on the planet! This means accurately explaining what The Chosen is, answering the legitimate questions of concerned church leaders, countering the objections of convinced naysayers and/or snarky antagonists, living in accordance with the kingdom values espoused in the show, and coaching church leaders in best practices in how to use The Chosen and its ancillary Bible studies and devotionals and . . . yes, even . . . “Chosen gear” in the evangelism and discipleship programs of their church (or recovery ministry or homeless shelter or prison or . . . or . . . ).

THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CROSSLENS MINISTRIES AND THE COME AND SEE FOUNDATION: The relationship of CrossLens Ministries to The Chosen, LLC. and the Come and See Foundation is best understood as ancillary. To use biblical terminology, CrossLens Ministries functions as a paraclete,” meaning “one called alongside to help.” This relationship is dynamic, synergistic, fully cooperative and mutually supportive but not organic. Dr. Starner is NOT an “official” or “authorized” representative of either entity. He is not being paid to represent them. They are “on the same team” and supporting each others goals in mutually agreeable roles.

THE CHOSEN Initiative” (TCI)

Dr. Starner’s four-decade tenure as a New Testament professor combined with his thorough study of The Chosen (TC ) makes him a trustworthy guide to help church leaders understand the value of this unique TV series for pointing people to the authentic, biblical Christ and experiencing Him as their Living Lord.

TCI offers a collection of resources to help pastors and other church leaders (1) make efficient and effective use of TC in their church, (2) answer the legitimate concerns of faithful “Beroeans” who test every “wind of doctrine” against the authority of God’s Word, (3) give a reasoned, biblical defense of TC that will convince naysayers, and (4) respond in Christ-like ways to snarky objectors who prey on the ignorance of people who are unwilling or unable to use reasoned analysis and critical thinking skills.

As Dallas stresses in the above video, the endgame of TC is not to merely provide wholesome entertainment; it’s to lead viewers to a personal relationship with Jesus and create a thirst for READING THE BIBLE and diving deeper into it.


Jesus’ conversation with Nicodemus (John 3) was far more than a Socratic dialogue in theology; it was an earnest plea. No media presentation of this encounter has portrayed this more powerfully than The Chosen. Please consider this an earnest plea for your engagement with, and full support of, The Chosen. This TV series, based on the Gospels, has the potential to become the most wide-reaching and effective film media tool for evangelism and discipleship EVER.

Facts: Over 200 million people have viewed TC and together they have tallied over 3/4 of a BILLION views! Those astounding figures are evidence that God is touching people’s hearts through this show. Even so, there are FAR more people who have not yet even heard of it. It is not the Bible, nor a replacement FOR the Bible, But it is drawing people TO the Bible–and, more importantly, to a deeper, more personal relationship with God. SO . . . .

If you have not yet seen the episodes,

download the app at www.thechosen.tv/app.

If you have seen the episodes, and you want to support this timely ministry, you can . . .

Support The Chosen at the Come and See Foundation comeandseefoundation.org.

If you want to help fund this series and get immediate rewards (gifts) for doing so,

purchase gifts at www.thechosengifts.com

Below is a link to the dialogue between Jesus and Nicodemus in Season 1, Episode 7 as an example of the quality.  [SPOILER ALERT!!] you will get much more out of it, if you watch the previous episodes first.


Below are links to a few of Rob’s vlogs about The Chosen: 

To watch all 32 current episodes of The Chosen (FREE), click on the QRL Code on the photo


Rob’s Blog on The Chosen Initiative CROSSLENS BLOG!


Winning souls to God’s kingdom. Training believers in the knowledge of God and His word and His will. Engaging and empowering Christ’s disciples to fulfill the Great Commission.  THAT is the mission of CrossLens Ministries. In a nutshell: “Faith seeking understanding; understanding impelling action.”

How You Can Partner!

FIRST, spread the word about CrossLens to those in your social orb. All it takes is a personal testimony along with a cut-and-pasted web link! SECOND, using the link below, make donations as often as God leads you, and as often as you are able. Your generous support is essential to expanding the reach of that vision!

NOTE: Until CrossLens Ministries obtains a non-profit status with the federal government, or becomes a subsidiary of an organization that already has a non-profit status, donations to CrossLens Ministries are not tax deductible, and thus, the only “rewards” for your partnership will be on the far better side of this temporal divide!

UPDATE: Discussions are underway that may bring CrossLens Ministries and “The Chosen Initiative” under the auspices of large non-profit ministries (perhaps The Assemblies of God World Missions (AGWM) & Global University (GU), so that contributions to “The Chosen Initiative” would be tax-deductible. Please pray and stay . . . tuned!

Dr. Rob Starner, director of CrossLens Ministries, is an ordained Assemblies of God minister. He is available for seminars, speaking engagements, drama performances, short-term missionary projects, and even tutoring in New Testament Greek.

Ambassadors of Christ

As ambassadors of Christ, our life mission is to introduce people to Christ, influence them to become His disciples, and train them to make other disciples–and this on a global scale (Matthew 28:19-20)

This call comes entirely at God’s initiative and by His gracious invitation. It requires glorifying God in all we think and say and do. Though all fall short, we fix our eyes on this goal, thanking God for his forgiveness when we fail and depending on the empowerment of his Spirit to bring our efforts to perfection. We are, therefore, first and foremost, Christ’s ambassadors!

OK, but how? Rent a Piper Cub and drag a “Jesus Saves!” sign across the sky? Put an “I Found It!” bumper sticker on the Benz? Well . . . maybe . . . but surely there is a simpler (and likely more effective) way to be an ambassador of Christ. HINT: think “salt” and “light.” Salt reminds us that influence requires direct contact. Light reveals what is present, but it also reminds us that we need a power source.

Being an ambassador of Christ means reflecting Christ’s nature, character, and purposes in everything we think and say and do at all times and in all situations, yielding to and depending on the power of the Holy Spirit.

Carmella Starner and Esther Schambach Testifying of God’s Faithfulness

The world is a stage. The audience changes every day. Some days it’s a sell-out crowd. Other days, it’s an audience of one, namely, you. But even here we are not really alone. God is always in the theater. The director never misses the show. The heavenly host sees too. Every thought, every word, every action is a witness for the King Whom we serve. Our hands, our mouths, and our hearts all play a part of our calling as ambassadors. We are helping HANDS enriching and empowering the weak, the poor, and the disenfranchised. We are ready MOUTHS proclaiming the best news of what God has done for us all in Jesus. We have compassionate HEARTS prompting our mouths to share the gospel and our hands to live it out.

Being Jesus’ Feet, Hands, Heart . . . and Mouth!

The most effective ministry starts with being a good neighbor. A good neighbor’s FEET run swiftly to a neighbor’s need. A good neighbor’s HANDS are quick to render practical service. Such FEET and HANDS are evidence of a HEART that loves. And a HEART that loves gives the MOUTH a receptive EAR. That’s “Body Ministry 101.”

Love is not merely a “well-wish”–or even a prayer–for another’s good; it is an ACTION taken to bring it about.

If we want people to submit their lives to the Lordship of Christ and receive Him as their Savior, we must persuade them that God is a loving Heavenly Father, not an egomaniacal despot. There simply is no better way to do this than through sacrificial service. It is the clearest evidence of love. Nowhere is this more clearly demonstrated than in Christ’s humiliating, sacrificial death on the cross. That kind of love can melt the coldest heart. And no organization I have seen first hand does this better than M28 Ministry!

Like a good neighbor . . .
M28 is there!

When you see something working well, you naturally want to tell your friends and neighbors about it. For the last several years, CrossLens Ministries has been working closely with M28, a faith-based, community-conscious ministry that delivers a healthy dose of “feet-and-hands” gospel to down-trodden and disenfranchised souls BEFORE announcing the gospel with their mouths.

M28 renders practical aid to those who, for example, have lost their jobs, or who are transitioning to the “real world” after incarceration, or who are recovering from addictions, or who have suffered debilitating injuries. Not only does M28 make provision for basic life necessities (food, clothing, housing, furniture, etc.), it also arranges transportation to medical facilities or to jobs and assists them in restoring credit, or obtaining a driver’s license or car insurance.

In short, M28 comes alongside hurting people, helping them in practical ways and teaching them how to manage their lives safely and wisely. And yes, it mentors and trains these precious souls to “pay it forward” by becoming reproducing Christ-followers. There is no doubt that M28 Ministry is having a remarkable impact on many lives in city of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania and surrounding communities. CLICK HERE to learn more and support this life-restoring ministry.


All Christ-followers are called to be Christ-LEARNERS!
Regular engagement with the Bible is one of the most important disciplines in the life of every follower of Christ.

Dr. Starner has had a long tenure teaching university courses on the Bible as well as the proper methods of studying and interpreting it. His service in Christian higher education now spans over four decades, three continents, and eight educational institutions.

Almost from the outset of his teaching ministry Dr. Starner had searched for film media that dramatized episodes from the Gospels for use in the classroom. Unfortunately, apart from films that focused on the nativity and passion narratives, very few–if indeed any–of the plethora of powerful episodes in the Gospels had found their way to film.

So, Dr. Starner did the next best thing: he put his love and talent for drama to service in classrooms and churches by performing small portions of Scripture in character as Jesus, the apostle Paul and Joseph of Arimathea. Nevertheless, he remained on the lookout, praying for film media on the Gospel episodes, hoping to use them in the classroom. Nearly 35 years later . . . Enter THE CHOSEN!

From the inaugural episode of this multi-season TV series, Dr. Starner recognized The Chosen as God’s answer to his 35-year prayer. At present he invests most of his time giving seminars and producing printed materials and podcasts that help pastors and professors make optimal use of The Chosen episodes, scene-clips, Bible studies and devotional materials.

All who are interested in engaging with “The Chosen Initiative” may reach out to Dr. Starner through the “Contact” page.

AND NOW, on to some high-quality helps for studying and interpreting the New Testament!!

The Doctor’s Prescription:

DISCLAIMER:  Recommending the following resources does NOT constitute an endorsement of every viewpoint espoused therein. Most of them follow an orthodox understanding of Christianity, and all of them interact respectfully and critically with those who do not. The purpose is to promote growth in our understanding of God and in our relationship with Him.

Academic Resources

Before giving the fuller list of resources, two authors/works merit special mention: Craig S. Keener and Jerry Camery-Hoggatt. Dr. Keener is a world-renowned New Testament scholar who publishes prolifically in both the academic sector (e.g., Miracles: The Credibility of the Gospel Accounts) and the wider non-specialist world (e.g., Miracles Today: The Supernatural Work of God in the Modern World). Known for his meticulous attention to detail and unparalleled familiarity with both modern and ancient sources, he is at the same time deeply committed to evangelism and discipleship. His IVP Bible Background Commentary: New Testament, was groundbreaking in that it delivers the most relevant historical-cultural-literary backgrounds to virtually every section of verses in the New Testament rather than discussing and weighing the opinions of various scholars on the interpretation of the texts. This work is an indispensable tool for pastors, teachers, evangelists, missionaries–even “apostles” and prophets.

Dr. Camery-Hoggatt is of the same caliber and scholarly acumen as Dr. Keener. While thoroughly versed in the history and cultures of the New Testament world, Dr. Camery-Hoggatt is also a specialist in “narrative theology.” This is a discipline that gives careful scrutiny to the way a story is told in order to determine the worldview/ideology it promotes and its effect on the hearers/readers. Dr. Camery-Hoggatt applies this methodology to narrative portions of Scripture (e.g., Gospels, Acts, and parts of Revelation) and seeks to identify their theological and ethical import by analyzing the various narrative techniques they employ. In 2021 he published: A Death of Splendid Daring: A Novel Approach to the Gospel of Mark . This truly ground-breaking, full-fledged commentary on the Gospel of Mark is couched in the genre of an historical novel. One reviewer (“Ddow”) described it as “like being tricked into eating your veggies because they’re camouflaged in your favorite casserole.” The work is masterfully researched and written in a way that draws readers into the world of the New Testament and engages them personally in the story. For helpful reviews (including Dr. Starner’s) of this novel-commentary CLICK HERE. Below is Dr. Starner’s editorial review:

Not since the publication of Keener’s IVP Bible Background Commentary has there appeared a more helpful (and welcome!) innovative jolt to the business-as-usual fare of New Testament commentaries than A Death of Splendid Daring! This truly revolutionary approach may well prove to have as stunning an impact on the future of New Testament commentaries as Barth’s famous Romans commentary that dropped “like a bombshell on the theologians’ playground” had on all subsequent theological reflection. 
Like Keener’s groundbreaking work, A Death of Splendid Daring aims not to arm its readers with the definitive interpretation of given biblical texts, but rather to assist readers in processing the text–the former, focusing more on the cognitive dimensions of biblical interpretation, and the latter, focusing on the transformative experience that readers derive from interaction with the text.
A Death of Splendid Daring is clearly the brainchild of a prodigiously gifted narratologist and storytelling artist. Even the title of this magnificent work reveals the author’s literary acumen (the commentary is a “novel commentary” in two valid senses: “innovation” and “literary genre”).
Equally impressive, and important for this remarkable novel-commentary, are the author’s academic chops in both literary and Biblical studies. With the same level of tenacity that molecular biologists probe anatomy, Dr. Camery-Hoggatt has not only engaged competently with the concerns and insights of biblical scholarship, he also has scrutinized the nature of language itself and how receivers process it, and he deftly uses that knowledge to construct this novel commentary in ways that have a powerful impact on the reader. 
A Death of Splendid Daring is deeply engaging both cognitively and emotionally. It is a breath of fresh theological air that rightly deserves a wide hearing. Expressing theological truths in propositionally-stated proverbs arranged in well-organized outlines has its rightful place in church catechism because its appeal to the cognitive dimension enables one to distinguish truth from error. But truth is much more and much deeper than a set of facts, and faith is far more than mental assent to a series of propositions about God that can be demonstrated and defended.
Dr. Camery-Hoggatt has not only engaged competently with the concerns and insights of biblical scholarship, he also has scrutinized the nature of language itself and how receivers process it, and he deftly uses that knowledge to construct this novel commentary in ways that have a powerful impact on the reader.
I know of none other so thoroughly acquainted with the primary characteristics and corresponding rhetorical functions of language who so meticulously puts this knowledge to use in his or her own writing. While, as an academician, I realize the political expediency of refraining from over-the-top accolades when analyzing the work of scholars, I have to admit that withholding my assessment of this work as nothing less than genius stretches this policy to its absolute limits. Hier stehe ich! –Rob Starner, PhD

And now for a few more key Bible study resources . . .

If you want Dr. Starner’s input about any particular resource, leave a message indicating your question in the “contact” tab of the CrossLens Ministries website (this one!), and he will respond as soon as he is able.

NOTE: For a much more extensive list of academic resources for biblical/theological studies than you will find on this website, check out Biblewoot, the website of my former colleague, Dr. Terance Espinoza. The specific tab for resources on his website is titled: “Research Bibliography for Biblical and Theological Studies.”

DISCLAIMER: Recommending the following resources does NOT constitute an endorsement of every viewpoint espoused therein. The purpose is to promote growth in our understanding of God and in our relationship with Him. NOTE:  Some of these links may no longer work!


Bible on the Go with Dr. Dan

Bible on the Go with Dr. Dan. This series of videos, produced by Rob’s former colleague, Dr. Dan Langston, is available on his YouTube Channel. Folks, you have to see him to believe him! When you look up “enthusiasm” in Webster’s, you’ll find Dr. Dan’s name as the primary definition. Dan offers delightful and insightful nutshell discussions on numerous biblical passages and theological themes. He also has numerous videos introducing and comparing the strengths and weaknesses of various Bible translations and study Bibles. Spoiler alert: He likes ’em all!

Glenn E. Pearson is academically, spiritually, and practically first-rate. If you are looking for assistance in grappling seriously with challenging questions about the Bible and/or theology and/or Christian practice, this is the place for you! Glenn’s blogs consistently deliver careful, reflective insights on a wide variety of theological and practical life issues, and these insights are the product of disciplined study and years of experience.

The Daniel Day Podcast. Daniel is successful pastor whose vision for the mission of Christ looks far beyond the walls of the local church. His podcast presents interviews with a variety of highly influential Christian leaders on the current national and international scene.

Brandon Robbins YouTube channel. Brandon is a skilled teacher. His videos are thoughtful and offer an in-depth look a specific Biblical episodes. The link attached to his picture here is to his ministry website, from which you can get access to all his materials. One of his series of videos offers deep dives into each of the episodes of The Chosen. His channel has over 225,000 subscribers.



Rob’s Books

Christians always face the temptation to take the course of least opposition by embracing the ideologies of the surrounding culture.  Józef Bałuczyński’s life stories demonstrate God’s faithfulness to a hero who, refusing to shrink back from his commitment to Christ in spite of the social and political forces arrayed against him, lived his entire life in service to others.  This book offers both challenge and hope for the increasing number of Christians who are facing the opposition of terrorists and totalitarian governments that seek to squash the message of Christ

Here’s what a few readers and influential leaders are saying about Be Not Afraid:

“A fast-moving, true story of God’s faithfulness and one Polish pastor’s faith-produced courage in the face of mortal danger. This inspiring account also offers one more window into what Poles and others suffered under both Nazi and Soviet forces during the perils of World War II and its aftermath.”

Craig S. Keener
Professor of Biblical Studies,
Asbury Theological Seminary

“Unsung heroes like Józef Bałuczyński are the other “greatest generation”—soldiers of the cross, many of whose names are known only in heaven. Pastor Józef’s story will inspire, encourage, and embolden 21st-century followers of Jesus who increasingly are encountering the same daunting opposition to the gospel that Józef and those like him faced in their generation.”

Byron D. Klaus
Former President, Assemblies of God Theological Seminary

“Rob Starner has provided an incredible gift to the body of Christ by sharing the inspiring story of Pastor Józef Bałuczyński. One cannot read this account without being convinced of God’s ability to sustain His people in the most difficult circumstances of life.”

Kermit S. Bridges
President, Southwestern Assemblies of God University

“Be Not Afraid is an inspiring testimony of faith under fire. Refusing to sacrifice principles on the altar of popularity, or prosperity, or promotion, or pride, whether to avoid persecution or to save your life altogether, is a sign of Christ-like character. For over nine decades Pastor Bałuczyński has been a stellar example of Christ-like character and Christian leadership, and with the publication of this book, his legacy will extend far beyond his lifetime.”

Scott Wilson
Lead Pastor
, Oaks Church

“Throughout history stories have been key to passing on truth and teaching the next generation. Be Not Afraid is an absolutely riveting story of a Polish pastor’s journey through heart-wrenching trials and inspiring victories, empowered by an unwavering faith in God. This is one story that everyone must read, hear, and experience. It will impact countless hearts for generations to come.”

Brent Grosvenor
Lights Up Productions, Inc.

“This inspiring account of Pastor Józef’s amazing testimony will remind every reader of the distinguishing traits of authentic believers: boldness to proclaim Christ, power to endure hardship and persecution, and signs and wonders that follow our witness. This is what it means to live out Pentecost—the Book of Acts continued.”

Donna J. Schambach
President, The Schambach Foundation

Kingdom of Power, Power of Kingdom


This book offers readers an exciting and profitable journey into two story worlds that likely share a common historical-cultural setting: Mark’s Gospel” and Chariton’s “passion of love.” Analyzing these works from the vantage point of narrative sequence, Starner identifies two contrasting worldviews: for Chariton, the world is controlled by the goddess Aphrodite who serves as a powerbroker distributing political, economic, and sociological power to agents who use that power for self-serving ends; for Mark, the world is governed by an all-powerful God who, shockingly, operates from a posture of powerlessness, inviting (not coercing) humans to accept his lordship and urging them to adopt the self-sacrificial, service-oriented program of living that finds its quintessential expression in the historical Jesus of the Gospels.

Book Review and Endorsements

“This book offers an intriguing study of some notable narrative techniques in Mark’s Gospel. In contrast to modern speculations of how Mark should have written, Starner’s observations are grounded in ancient narration patterns. While noting parallels with Chariton’s style, Starner is also careful to highlight some distinctive elements in Mark’s account. 

Craig S. Keener, Professor of New Testament,
Palmer Theological Seminary.

“It is sometimes said that the Gospel of Mark is a clumsy concatenation of stories, thrown together willy-nilly. In Kingdom of Power, Power of Kingdom, Rob Starner offers an alternative take:  Mark uses the apparent disruptions in sequence, repetitions, and gaps in information to leverage the responses of his readers. Starner’s argument is crisp, compelling, and critically important—a must read for anyone who wishes to understand both Mark and the current state of literary scholarship in biblical studies. Mark, like Starner, is anything but clumsy.” 

Jerry Camery-Hoggatt, Professor of New Testament and Narrative Theology,
Vanguard University.

Dr. Starner’s work addresses head on the view of some scholars that Mark was an inept writer who produced a clumsy, disordered narrative about Jesus of Nazareth. Starner successfully shows this criticism to be fatally anachronistic and myopic.

In judging Mark’s first-century work by modern standards for works intended for the eye (written texts), this unfair assessment fails to take Mark’s Gospel on its own terms, namely, a first-century work intended for the ear (oral literature). The numerous instances of repetition and redundancy, although unwelcome and annoying in written texts, instead performed a valuable function in orally performed narratives, which were by far the medium of choice in a world where less than ten percent of the population could read.

Starner’s comparison of Mark’s Gospel with Chariton’s ancient novel Chaereas and Callirhoe shows that Mark’s Gospel is carefully constructed in accordance with the conventions of oral literature and for the purpose of conveying the author’s worldview in an entertaining way.  Although the two works share significant narrative techniques, they are far too dissimilar to be placed in the same genre category, and they are literally worlds apart in the world views they espouse.

Douglas Olena.

Reclaiming the Arts for Kingdom Purpose!

Drama is an effective tool not only for communicating the spiritual truths contained in the Scriptures, but also for helping audiences engage personally and emotionally with the Christ of the Scriptures.


The anointing of the Holy Spirit is the means by which God takes the “loaves and fish” that we put at His disposal and multiplies it to “feed the five thousand.” But this does not diminish the disciple’s responsibility to train and develop the “raw skills” that God bestows. Dependence on the Holy Spirit and dedicated, disciplined training in various presentation media are NOT mutually exclusive.

Recently Rob has had the privilege of studying the craft of acting under Kirk B.R. Woller, the actor who is now most widely known for his role as “Gaius” in THE CHOSEN, the largest crowd-funded multi-season television show in history.

All Rob’s drama performances (see further below) are informed by the knowledge and skill he has gained from this well-seasoned, highly-acclaimed, thoroughly-trained, and Spirit-empowered actor. If you are looking for an excellent acting class, click on THIS LINK to Mr. Woller’s ActorKlass.com website to sign up. For actor training, audition prep, and one-on-one mentoring through live online sessions visit thewollertechnique.com.

I cannot overstate how much I have appreciated Mr. Woller’s teaching and mentoring. Most treasured of all is the fact that he TRULY cares not only about helping people learn the craft of acting, but also helping them become better people who seek to hear more than to be heard.

~ Rob Starner

Dr. Starner’s extensive academic training in the discipline of “narrative criticism” and its specific application to the Biblical narratives coupled with his thorough study of the presentation of these narratives in The Chosen makes him highly qualified to help people understand the nature, purpose, and value of this unique television series on the life of Christ as a tool for evangelism and discipleship. He is AVAILABLE THROUGH SEMINARS to help pastors and other church leaders answer the concerns of naysayers and use The Chosen episodes to their maximum kingdom impact.

The endgame of The Chosen is not merely wholesome entertainment. The endgame is leading viewers to a personal relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ and creating a thirst for READING THE BIBLE ITSELF.

Dr. Starner is so committed to the mission of The Chosen that he is investing the remainder of his life in it, and he earnestly prays that many will join him in contributing their “loaves and fish” to this Kingdom cause.

Remember, NO contribution is too small. Jesus did “impossible math” with 5 loaves and 2 fish. Donations through the Come and See Foundation are tax-deductible. To learn more about The Chosen, read below and follow the links to some of Dr. Starner’s vlogs.


Jesus’ conversation with Nicodemus (John 3) was far more than a Socratic dialogue in theology; it was an earnest plea. No media presentation of this encounter has portrayed this more powerfully than The Chosen Please consider this an earnest plea for your engagement with, and full support of, The Chosen, the first multi-season TV show about the life of Christ. This series is hands down the best. There simply is no close second.  The Chosen has the potential to become the single greatest film media tool for evangelism and discipleship EVER.

Even the way it is funded follows a healthy discipleship model. Like salvation, the episodes are entirely FREE to access.  And, just as it is with salvation, the producers (like our Heavenly Father!) ASK you to consider “paying it forward” so that other people can watch it free.

“Does the concept work?”  Well, the facts speak for themselves:  The Chosen is the #1 most crowd-funded media project of all time—and it is growing every day.  It has already attracted over three quarters of a BILLION views.

If you haven’t seen the episodes,

download the app at www.thechosen.tv/app.

If you have seen the episodes, and you want to support this timely ministry, you can . . .

pay-it-forward so others can see it free at the comeandseefoundation.org.

If you want to help fund this series and get immediate rewards (a.k.a. GIFTS!) for doing so,

purchase gifts at www.thechosengifts.com

Below is a link to the dialogue between Jesus and Nicodemus in Season 1, Episode 7 as an example of the quality.  [SPOILER ALERT!!] you will get much more out of it, if you watch the previous episodes first.


Here are links to a few of Rob’s reviews of THE CHOSEN: 

To watch all 32 current episodes of The Chosen (FREE), simply click on the QRL Code on the photo



“Grace in Galatia”

In a deliciously calculated, mentally stimulating and profoundly challenging way, Rob has performed for congregations the entire Epistle to the Galatians dressed in character as the Apostle Paul, convincing his audiences that they themselves have been enlisted by the Apostle Paul and commissioned to memorize his letter, deliver it orally to the Galatian churches, and leave a copy of the manuscript with them! 

“Joseph of Arimathea”

Joseph of Arimathea is sent back to earth to share his life testimony–a story that includes graphic first-century descriptions of crucifixion. Joseph shares his early conviction that Jesus is the long-awaited Messiah and describes the fears of losing his wealth and prominent position as a member of the Sanhedrin–fears that kept him a “secret disciple” until Jesus was crucified. The theme of the drama is echoed in Joseph’s call for God’s people to TAKE A STAND FOR JESUS!

“Preach THE Gospel, Not YOUR Gospel”

A textbook example of the misuse of a pastor’s ministerial charge! Simply stunning! After reading the article below, please feel free to add your thoughts. I offer my initial reaction and more reflective after-thoughts below: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/desperate-pastors-conservatives-unleash-episcopal-bishop-weaponizing-pulpit-against-trump?dicbo=v2-UiQd2nM. In short, I find this self-professed “sermon” utterly reprehensible and inexcusable. In fact, it may well be the most…

The Power of a Seed!

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Reflections on the F5K Filming of The Chosen

In the aftermath of my experience as an extra in the Feeding of the 5,000 (#F5K) filming for an episode to appear in Season 3 of The Chosen, I am reflecting on things I found remarkable. First, for the entire two days (long days) that I was on set (along with over 4,500 extras plus…

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