Biblical Themes

“Friend, You Don’t Have Trouble! All You Need Is Faith In God”: On Exodus 3:14

Well, I’m officially an Aggie Fan!  As a Penn State alum, I never thought I’d hear myself say that, but my daughter, Kali, decided to pursue her undergraduate degree at A&M, and I’ve now lived nearly two decades in the great state of Texas, so . . . . . Today is Kali’s first day…

“Waiting on God” (Isa.40:31)

“They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint” (Isaiah 40:31) Have you ever been so utterly exhausted that you nearly (or actually!) collapsed.  As a life-long runner, I have often pushed myself…

Counter-Terrorism Tactic: On the Boston Marathon Bombings

If scholars are correct in their judgment that the Book of Job is the oldest book in the Bible, we have ample evidence that its central theme (namely, Why do bad things happen to good people?) is nearly as old as humanity itself.  Modern horrific events like the Columbine shootings, the Aurora movie massacre, and…

The “Bitch” Who Outdid Jesus: On Matthew 15:21-28

[CAVEAT:  Before readers hurl nasty epithets my way, please know that the title to this “Morning Muse” was crafted not as a shameless ploy for attention, but with a targeted didactic intention.  I do pray that this title does not offend those, who like I, eschew the use of foul language in all of its…

Second Chance: A Redemptive Approach to the Problem of Dissolved Marriages

ABSTRACT             A new war currently rages on the Western front.  Unlike most wars, this battle is neither for booty and bounty nor for territory and terrain; instead, this is quite simply a fight for freedom—personal, individual, self-centered freedom.  It’s a combat that threatens the very fabric of our society.  The ideological castle under siege…

The Blonde Leading the Blind: Thoughts on Matthew 15:14

Jesus’ imagery of a blind person leading a blind person (Matthew 15:14) is so familiar to most of us that it hardly elicits more than a quiet yawn.  Altering the characters as in the above title just may create enough of a jolt to kick-start the engine of Jesus’ intention.  Of course, it also risks…

Don’t Touch My Junk! Reflections On Genesis 47:29

Genesis 47:29 offers one of the best examples of why knowledge of historical and cultural backgrounds helps readers of the Bible avoid (sometimes serious!) misunderstandings.  I mean, imagine if you went to buy a car, and instead of asking for your credit information, the salesman asked you to put your hand under his thigh, well…

“A Woman’s Place: In the Kitchen With An Evangelical ‘Hot Potato'”

 I recently read a blog ( that expressed the writer’s reservations about the place of women in ministry.  Ironically, the writer was a woman.  Questioning the legitimacy of women in leadership positions, she confesses:  “But for now, in January of 2013, I am not ready to abandon biblical principles that are so clearly spelled out…

“That’s Bad . . . No, That’s Good: The Paradigmatic Life of Joseph”

The behavioral aspect of “love-hate” relationships is undoubtedly in view in Genesis 37:3 where we read that “Israel (the converted Jacob) ‘loved’ Joseph more than all his sons.”  This must not be taken to indicate Jacob’s emotional disconnection or disregard or, even worse, disdain for his “other” sons; the literary context and historical detail point…

Free At Last?

Today is the day our nation has set aside to honor the life and accomplishments of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.—and rightfully so.  Yet, as with any high profile public figure, we must bear in mind that to elevate any person to “sainthood” status, or to defrock a person from such elevated status, is neither…