Month: August 2018


A Not-So-Subliminal Encouragement to Read the All-Time Best Seller. THEOLOGY IS A HUMAN CONSTRUCT. It represents someone’s understanding of the nature, character, and purposes of God. The singular form refers to the discipline that seeks to develop, organize, and communicate various ideas about God. But it is technically more accurate to speak of “theologies” plural…

Rifle Scope or Microscope?? A Matter of Life and Death.

In my last several posts I have been speaking about the importance of regularly engaging with the Bible, not simply reading it to fulfill a daily word-count quota, but interacting with it in a reflective, analytical, and devotional way. Along with the Reformers, I would argue that the Bible is the only completely safe and…

If It Can’t Pass Muster, It Doesn’t Cut the Mustard!

SUBTITLE:  Responding to the Sometimes Subtle Influences on Our Ideas about God. We encounter theologies in some of the most unlikely places: the water cooler at work, movie theaters, the Oprah Winfrey show . . . well, you get the point . . . just about everywhere. As disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ, we…

Thank you, Publishers Clearinghouse!!!

For thirty-three years I entered the PCH sweepstakes and nothing. Zero. Zip. Zilch. Nada. Disappointment after disheartening disappointment! I can’t possibly remember how many trips to the mailbox I made, floating on a cloud of hope. Confessing every sin that I could remember—along with a blanket confession to cover all those I couldn’t remember! Claiming…